Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fun with Painter's Tape

It's amazing what a little painter's tape can do. 

Drew loves - and I mean LOVES - planes, trains, and automobiles.  They're the first things he goes to when waking up and they're always in his hands no matter where he is or where is goes.  He sleeps with them, parks them in their "garage" at night, and even takes them in the bathtub with him.  (If he went on the freaking potty, I'm sure he'd bring them in the John with him as well.  But that's a whole different story.  One in which you don't want to get me rallied up about.)

So I thought it would be fun to make a big obstacle course out of some painter's tape, all throughout our basement.

It was a huge hit.  Emma even enjoyed it!

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