Monday, January 10, 2011

"The Game"

So I don't know if you've heard, but we lost our first play off game on Saturday. And man, did it suck.

I'm not sure why I personally took it so hard this time. But I did. In fact, I think I took it harder than last year's Super Bowl loss. (I mean, at least my second-favorite quarterback (and perhaps my son's namesake) and Purdue alum Drew Brees took home the Lombardi.) But this weekend's loss was a hard one to swallow. So much so that yesterday was one of the worst days I've had in a looooong time. I just woke up, knowing that football is now done for me. And what good is the rest of this harsh winter without a game to look forward to every weekend?!?

Forget the fact that we won our 7th AFC South title in eight seasons.

Forget the fact that we tied an NFL record with a 9th consecutive post-season appearances.

Forget the fact that we won our final 4 regular-season games to make the post-season, despite a slew of injuries.

Forget all those amazing accomplishments.

We lost a game that we could have won. And we let a team, who's led by the world's biggest JACKASS beat us. Rex Ryan got what he wanted the most: to beat Peyton Manning. No one, I repeat NO ONE who's as foul as he is deserves to beat Peyton Manning.

But he did. And he did it with the help of the Colts. I can't TELL you how many times Peyton decided to throw on a 3rd down and short, when he should have ran the ball. And how about that under thrown pass to Blair White late in the fourth, which, if caught, would have given the Jets virtually no time to run down the field for the last-second, GAME WINNING field goal?!? And let's not even begin to talk about Taj Smith running into the kicker, giving the Jets an automatic first down in the fourth quarter, giving them a second chance at closing out the game! Thanks, Taj.

So am having a hard time, swallowing our loss? Yes. Yes, I am. Will I act like I know it all, questioning the pros, thinking I could have won it if I was the coach? Of course.

I am a fan.

And that's what we do.

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