Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Gift Card Thief

So Emma has acquired quite the fascination with gift cards and/or loyalty cards. She's always had a "thing" for credit know those fake ones credit card companies send you in the mail? Well, she's always loved carrying those around, along with her "checkbook." But during the holiday season, she hit her peak with her love for the money. Shoot me now, right?

So one day during the holiday season, while shopping at Home Depot, she saw their gift cards hanging on a little display:
I mean, how catchy is this? To a little 4-year old's eyes this was like candy. She begged and begged and begged for me to get her this apron-card thing. Of course, I said no.

So the next day, after shopping with Dad, at--yes--Home Depot once again, Andy turns around in the van and notices that Emma has a new little present. She had snagged one of these gift cards from the display! The little thief!

Well, it didn't stop there. A few days later, as I was checking in on her at bedtime, I noticed there was a pile of Kohls gift cards tucked under her pillow. Apparently she had "borrowed" some from the store and was playing cashier in her bed.

And then, while at Dicks Sporting Goods, she had taken a handful of their loyalty cards. I mean---for the love of the Lord.

Emma, Emma, Emma. Never a dull moment.


The McClains said...

HA-larious! Sticky fingers, Emma. Caught in the act. So, what is her punishment? Something creative, I'm sure! :)

shiloh said...

Oh Chrissy, that's too funny...was she bummed when you told her that there is no value on them?!