Monday, January 3, 2011

Learning To Write

Over Christmas break, Emma gained a sudden interest in learning how to write. She's been "writing" her name for a while now. And by "writing," I mean she draws out the three letters of her name, but they're never really in order. Her "E" may be on the top of the page, while her "M" is all the way over on the bottom-left corner. So she's had an understanding of her letters, of was just never put together correctly.

Well, that---like potty training (for her)--all changed in a matter of a week.

She suddenly wanted to start writing letters to Grandma, Mommy, and Daddy. So I would write the sentences out, and she would copy them onto her own paper. It was so fascinating to watch, too, because it's like you could "see" her learning. And because we basically wrote the same letters to everyone, she now knows how to spell "LOVE" and "YOU."

Looks like Andy & I won't be spelling out words anymore.

Damnit. Opps. I mean, D-A-N-G-IT.

1 comment:

The McClains said...

Such a big girl! It's amazing to "watch" them learn, isnt it?!?