Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ripped Toenail

This post contains photos that may not be suitable for young children, those with a weak stomach, or those who question one's sanity at thinking it would be a good idea to post such gross things.

But I am slightly obsessed with it.

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that my big toenail was beginning to "lift up" from the skin.  So I had a feeling that I might soon be losing it soon.  Well, I was right.  It's almost fully unattached; it's just hanging on by a thread, in the lower left-hand corner of the nailbed.

Gross, right?

How did this happen, you may ask?  Well, I've been spinning like crazy for the past 6 months or so.  In my running shoes, I always wear my orthodics because I have a low arch, which gives me horrible shin splints if I don't wear them.  And after a few months of spinning, I was beginning to get these pains again, so I started wearing my orthodics in my cycling shoes.  After talking to one of the cycle instructors at my gym, I told him I've been wearing these and he said that's probably what caused my toenail to fall off.  Because my foot is elevated a few centimeters, it pushes my foot to the top of my shoe, causing pressure.

It doesn't hurt.  Never has.

And as I said, I'm slightly obsessed with it.  Gross? Absolutely.  Slightly cool? Umm, yes.  (I secretly feel like an athlete now.)

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