Monday, March 29, 2010

Braces for Baby Teeth?!?...

Are you kidding me? Emma recently had her second dentist appointment where the doctor mentioned braces. Braces? For baby teeth? WTF? That makes absolutely no sense. I wasn't at the appointment, but Andy asked the obvious question: "With all due respect Mr. Dentist, why in the world would I put braces on my 3 1/2 year old's baby teeth?" And he explained that they can either do it now or do it later.


Why in WORLD would you put braces on something that's going to fall out?

Andy & I have both been blessed with healthy teeth and gums (aside from the false front tooth he has, but that's all to do with football), so one would just assume our children would follow suit. And Emma has perfectly fine teeth. The dentist just mentioned that she has some slight cross-bowing going on. Well, I say cross-bow away. There's no way in H-E-double-hockey-sticks I'm putting braces on some teeth that are just going to fall out in 3 years!

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