Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Emma's Imagination

Emma's imagination is in full bloom. She's a little girl who's full of energy, spunk, and has a knack for story-telling. Just last night, while in the backseat of my car, she pulls out a book that's a little advanced for her (it has little pictures with lots of words). So she starts narrating. Here's a little taste for some of the conversation that I picked up:

Convo #1: "Sophie, you don't bite. You don't let the ghouls scare you. See--you spit at them. No, no. Don't spit. That's a bad girl. Now you to to time out."
Convo #2: (Inside her Hello Kitty book, there's a page with all of Hello Kitty's friends. I've named them off for her once. She couldn't quite remember all the names, so she just starts spouting off the first thing she can think of) "This is Eenie, this is Meanie. This is Pieces; this is Feces."

1 comment:

The McClains said...

Cute! Who needs friends when you can have such great conversations with yourself. :)