Monday, March 15, 2010

Still Not Crawling...

My little man. I love my little man. He's so stinking cute, sometimes I just can't stand it! I want to gobble him up and squeeze his fat little thighs! He's just this happy little guy who's content to just sit in place. Or roll around on the ground. He has absolutely NO interest in crawling. Or pulling himself up to walk around the perimeter of objects. Emma was crawling by 8 months, and she started walking between 10-11 months. But not my little man. Nope, he's content to just let Mommy and Daddy pick him up and carry him to wherever it is that he needs to go. I guess that's the difference between a boys and girls. I mean, why should he put forth the effort to crawl when his big sister, mommy, or daddy will get him what he needs? And you know, to be perfectly honest--I'm fine with it. Hell, I love the fact that I can still plop him down on the floor and not have to worry about him crawling into all sorts of things! Emma keeps me busy enough. I'm just trying to keep her from running into him (or somersaulting or flipping or skydiving or whatever the hell she seems to think she can do these days!).

1 comment:

The McClains said...

I love that you are blogging! I crack up everytime I read your new posts. Thanks for the laughs and keep it up. ps Your kids are adorable!