Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Conversation With Emma

So I realized that I haven't logged a new entry of my series, "A Conversation With Emma" in a while.  But believe me, there's been no shortage of "Emma-isms," that's for sure.  The chica is witty.  Too witty, at times.

So this past weekend, girlfriend was really testing my nerves.  I was trying to get out the door, to go on a ride, but of course Missy Lucille had put her attitude on first thing in the morning so she was being super-fun.  And I can't even remember what she was doing, but I said "Emma, don't even THINK about it."

And what did she snap back with?

"Well, I AM thinking about."

*Big gap intentional.  Represents the glare she's giving me and the glare I'm giving right back at her.*

Have I mentioned she's only FOUR.  Lord help me.  Rather, help Andy.  Poor hubs is going to have some severe referring to do in 8 years or so.


shiloh said...

Oh my goodness, that is too much! How do you not just laugh at her sometimes?

The McClains said...

I love it! Well, my girls may not have as much 'tude as Emma ... but I have a feeling we're going to have our hands full just because we are going to be so outnumbered!