Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Oh. My. Lord.

I've gone insane.

I started the "Insanity" workout and let me tell you. This is not for the physically challenged. Or the lazy couch potato. Or the occasional exerciser.
This stuff is serious.

I have never worked out as hard as I did yesterday, in that short amount of time. And I've become pretty rigorous in my cycling schedule, averaging 40 mile rides.

Hole. Lee. Cow. My heart rate didn't drop below Zone 4 for the entire 60 minutes of training. I was basically in Zone 5 the entire time. Zone 5 for me = 180 - 190 bpm. (If these numbers mean nothing to you, that's crazy. For 60 minutes, that's insane.)

But damn, it felt good.

Can't wait to torture myself again today.....

1 comment:

The McClains said...

Good for you! Ryan did the Insanity thing for a few weeks. He said it was really intense! :-)