Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I fulfilled my 12-year old fantasy last night.  I saw the New Kids On The Block.  Sorry, NKOTB. 

And it was AMAZEBALLS.  They combined their tour with the Backstreet Boys, hence KNOTBSB.

Did I mention that it was AMAZEBALLS?!? 

Say it together with me now.  N - K - O - T - B - S - B.

That's right.

N - K - O - T - B - S - B


Sarah and I, friends since (technically) 1986. 

Nick Carter (BSB) walked right down our aisle. Sarah touched him. She's in love. 

He's really tall, and yeah. OK. He's hot, too. 

Finale: Hangin' Tough. These guys were AWESOME. I mean, I don't know very many 38 - 45 year olds that can BRING IT (and have washboard abs) like they did! 

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